Rashid's reviews
9 min readNov 2, 2021


Ranking every cinematic Spider-Man suit

First of all let me make this clear, I am a huge fan of Spider Man. I did a review on all three Spider-Man reboots, but I believe that an essence of a super hero is the suit. Hence, How you recognize any superhero. In this review, I will be ranking every Spider-Man suit that he supports from the day he swung onto the big screen. This will be from worst to best. Also, this blog is not to offend anyone as it is just my opinion.

14. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Vigilante suit

I mean, they could have given him at least another element of Spidey’s suit to make it look more recognizable. This is my least favorite suit. First of all, they gave him a spandex mask with sunglasses for lenses. I kind of forgot that this is Spider-Man as he really did look the part as a vigilante. But why did he need a beanie? That really didn’t help Spidey’s case of not being a vigilante as he both looked and acted like one. But this suit did help him blend in, so maybe there were some advantages here and there.

13. Original 1970s Spider-Man

Frankly, they didn’t do a bad job on this suit. But it only has one flaw that ruined the entire suit. And that is the lenses. The lenses were like round mirrors, that kind of made Spider-Man look awkward. Of course, this suit has its advantages. Because back then, it was all about simplicity. And although it is pretty low on the list, let’s face it, this is the 70s that we are talking about. But this suit was a fairly decent adaptation from the comics for its time. Also, fun fact: Nicholas Hammond who played this Spider-Man appears briefly in Maguire’s First Spider-Man film.

12. Spider-Man (2002) Wrestling suit

If there is anything that I think was missing, it was probably the blue accents. The suit was different shades of red. And I got some ninja vibes, as the mask covered Peter’s face, but not his eyes. I really liked how the suit also had a very big Spider emblem covering nearly the entire front torso. The suit also featured webbing around the Emblem. So this suit did have a lot of elements to Spidey’s suit. I was originally going to put this suit all the way at the bottom, but it is not as bad as I thought.

11. The Japanese Spider-Man suit (1978)

This was a great suit, but my only problem, the lenses like the original 70s Spider-Man. The lenses were squinting a little too much, making him to me look a little evil. This was a pretty simple suit as well. The suit also featured a “bracelet” that could shoot out nets, and ropes. But he couldn’t actually swing using it. This suit and the show were really unique since this was Japan and people decided to try something new. So while the mask may look different, the suit and the show was terrific. This is basically the show that inspired Power Rangers, and Transformers.

10. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Advanced Suit

Many would question as to why this specific suit wasn’t higher on the list, but I have my arguments. As cool and sleek this suit may be with 576 web combinations, and the drone and all the features, I was frankly upset with this suit. First of all, in my opinion they kind of made Spider-Man a little overpowered as he had all the gizmo’s and gadgets. This suit was pretty much like the Iron-Spider suit, just toned down a bit. But what I did like was how Spider-Man had a very “Ditko” sort of design. Spidey had a smaller emblem, expressive lenses, and they did a good job of trying to base this off of the comics. He even had gliders! But it is not like Tobey and Andrew have a billionaire to help them if their suit even gets a scratch. So all in all, the main problem for me was that Spidey got a little too much…

9. Spider Man: Homecoming (2017) Homemade suit

At first, I really didn’t like this suit. But now that I am reflecting on it, this was an amazing suit. Comparing it to all other Spider-Man homemade suits, this one takes the cake since it is obviously most advanced. This suit also includes the expressive eyes which is used to show different expressions. But also, just by looking at it, I love how this suit included blue sleeves and well- the color blue! I do wish that we could have seen more of this suit in the films. I am just glad that this suit even looked like a Spider-Man costume. Since out of all other homemade costumes, this suit looked most like Spider-Man for once.

8. Spider Man: Far From Home (2019) Stealth Suit

This was honestly a tough decision to make. I personally liked the Night Monkey suit, but I liked some of the other suits better. Designed by S.H.I.E.L.D, this suit was a very good stealth suit and had its own features, such as the lenses that could flip up and down. I kind of wish it had more features, but I think it had some good additions as well. The suit featured some armor plates around the body, and it also left Peter’s fingertips exposed, which looked kind of cool. The suit was a unique take on Spider-Man as they were not trying to make it traditional, the whole point was to make it a stealth suit.

7. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Main suit

For this suit, it is one of my all time favorites. In a costume featurette, Marc Webb (Director of “The Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2*) specifically states that they wanted to make what an average high-schooler would want to see in a Spider-Man suit. People Either loved or hated this suit, but I loved it for a number of reasons. First of all, the mask. While it doesn’t look traditional, I love how the lenses have a honeycomb color. Also, notice how around the suit, it seems to be divided in these little hexagons. And I think it is amazing how the suit has blue and red accents around the body. For the emblem, this was now much longer and stretches to the bottom of the torso. And he had the web shooters that would light up if he shot a web. I think they were having a little fun and being creative with the design, but luckily it does take some cues from the original suit.

6. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018) Peter B. Parker Suit

Into The Spider-Verse was a great influence upon the world and truly was a really diverse movie. We got to see many wear the mask, including a Spider-Man that we were familiar with. This was a great suit since it was nothing too advanced. All I saw was Spider-Man. This was a good remake of a classic comic design as the entire movie was animated. I was glad to see Spidey wear this suit because it felt kind of good to see him without any fancy tech except the web shooters. Sound familiar? I also like how they gave this Spider-Man a little cartoony which went with the suit perfectly. The webbing on the suit seemed to shine when exposed to light. So this suit was a very nice redo of the original suit as we weren’t given anything too much.

5. Spider Man: Far From Home (2019) New Advanced suit

Okay, yes. I did put the other advanced suit really down in the list, for a reason. But this all comes down to design. This suit was pretty much the previous advanced suit, but now with a few upgrades. I liked what they did with this suit for one obvious reason. The color scheme. I really like the fact that they switched to black and red from blue and red. It just kind of shows how much of a long way Peter has went and makes him look a little professional. This suit also has texturing on the black areas with black accents as well. Spider-Man now has new web shooters (Which somehow still store 576 web combinations as well), expanded web gliders, and same original Ditko design. But like I said before, I don’t think Spidey needs all of that stuff.

4. Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Iron-Spider Suit

So I was really happy with this suit. It was really advanced, and I just loved the look of it. This suit had some design ideas from the advanced suit that Spider-Man wore, like the emblem now wrapping around most of the body. I love their use of gold in the suit as the suit had gold outlining and accents around some parts. the suit also featured the mechanical arms, which was a nod to the comics. And we also got to see an instant kill mode. The mask, or helmet had lenses that could light up, and the suit itself had led lights around the body. This was also made from nanotech, meaning whenever he wished, he could summon the suit around his body. I don’t know what more we could ask for, but I think that we got a great Iron-Spider.

3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Main Suit

Now at the top three, this was an “Amazing” suit. I think it was great how they reverted back to something traditional and recognizable. This suit had wider lenses that were white. The suit also had a darker blue for the blue areas. This suit also featured a new emblem design for the front and the back. It kind reminded me of Todd McFarlane's comic suit design, as both had wide lenses. I also really love how this suit had silver webbing which also looked great. So like I said before, this was what I wanted to see. An original looking suit with nothing too less, or too much. And this suit kind of fulfils that. I kind of wish we could have see more of this suit especially since The Amazing Spider-Man 3 was cancelled, but maybe we will see him in Spider-Man: No Way Home…

2. Spider Man 3 (2007) Symbiote suit

We have just two more to go, and though 2007 wasn’t the best year for Spider-Fans (And we all know why), That didn’t stop the movie from showing us an awesome suit. This is more than just a suit since it is a symbiote. And this was an amazing appearance for Spider-Man as it is the only time we’ve seen a live-action symbiote suit for Spider-Man. The emblem had changed from the normal suit that Spidey wore, and the lenses seemed a little more angled. I think it was nice to see the suit completely dark but also with silver webbing, much like the original suit or the TASM 2 suit. It was pretty dramatic seeing Spidey kind of lose himself with this suit especially with that suit to top it all off. But there is no doubt that this suit deserves a place in the top 3.

  1. Spider-Man (Main Suit)

There is no doubt about the fact, that in first place it is none other than Maguire’s Spider-Man suit. I have to say, this was probably one of the best we have seen. Even years after its trilogy ended, the suit and the films remain fresh on our minds. I think the reason that the reason I put this all the way at the top, was the lack of tech. I think it was great how he just had organic webbing, but having web shooters would be fine too. The whole suit itself is really familiar and memorable. The lenses were like triangles, which looked really nice on the suit and the silver webbing around the entire body was a neat touch. The blue on the suit was a little dark and the red was pretty vibrant. I knew that even before I began this blog, that it would be this suit up top. This is one of the best suits that we saw on the big screen, period.

In conclusion, I honestly think this was a very long blog. I had a lot to say, and I am glad I was able to express my feelings in this blog. With the upcoming release of “Spider Man: No Way Home”, it seems quite clear that we will see Tobey and Andrew return. Many sources seem to confirm this. And based off of the leaks we have seen, there is no reason why we shouldn’t see Andrew and Tobey return. I would love to hear Tobey and Andrew’s theme. I hope you enjoyed reading, and do check out my other blogs!



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